An Accident on the Panama Railroad
New York Daily Times, April 22, 1856
SS George Law
Captain Hernden
Sailed from New York City: April 21, 1856
Port of New York .... Monday, April 21.
Steamship George Law, Hernden, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.
The New York Daily Times, Saturday, May 17, 1856 ---
Mr. Alfred L, Armstrong, of Oquawko, Ill., the only person returning to New York in the George Law
who was on the train to which the accident occurred, has furnished our reporter with the following
detailed account of the particulars of the accident:
I left New York in the George Law on the 21st of last April, and, with the steamer's passengers, was
landed at Aspinwall, to take the railroad thence to Panama. We arrived in Aspinwall on the 1st of May,
and were to take the morning express train of May 6, in order to connect with the steamer on the pacific
A baggage train left Aspinwall at 7 A. M., preceding the train which was to carry the passengers. There
were eight or nine baggage cars in the train, filled with the baggage of the passengers. The engine of
this train at Obispo Bridge, thirty-one miles from Aspinwall, ran off the track. There was only a single
track here , and it being impossible to raise the engine from its position off the track, the cars had
to remain as they were -- blockading the track. The engineers and brakemen worked several hours, erecting
a platform, with the view of getting up the engine, but to no purpose. As they failed in this, and could
not communicate with either terminus of the road to announce the accident, they placed a sentinel to guard
against being run into by any other trains, and thus waited.
At 6 A. M. an express train left Aspinwall with the cabin passengers of the George Law. This train was
composed of a baggage car and nine passenger cars. The passenger cars were all full of passengers. Each
car contained about eighty-four passengers. The engine of this train did not work well, and the
engineer, in consequence, forced to run the train off on a switch at Matachin, about a mile and a half
before reaching Obispo Bridge, when the accident to the baggage train occurred.
At 8 1/2 A. M., half an hour after the departure of the first passenger train, a second passenger train,
containing the steerage passengers, left Aspinwall. This train was also a long train, and contained nine
passenger cars, besides the baggage car. Upon crossing up to where the first passenger train lay
switched off, the train stopped, and being informed of the disabling of the first train's engine, as
also of the accident to the baggage train at Obispo Bridge, it was decided, with the single engine of
the last passenger train, to take the two trains and proceed to Obispo Bridge. The first passenger
train, accordingly, passed the switch, after which it backed to take the train that was switched off.
The disabled engine had been disconnected from this train and placed upon another switch adjoining.
The two trains thus joined were drawn by one locomotive. They contained in all twenty cars -- eighteen
passenger cars and two passenger cars. After getting on the main track the train proceeded to Obispo
Bridge. It was found impossible to go on to Panama in consequence of the baggage train obstructing the
track. It was a complete wilderness there, and no food being obtainable it was determined to go back
with the entire passengers to Aspinwall. It was about 2 P. M. when the train thus started to return.
The engine was a powerful one, and drew the cars along at full speed without difficulty.
I was seated in the seventh passenger car from the locomotive. The train was going at an unusually
high rate of speed, -- so much so that the fact was a subject of remark among the passengers generally
in the car in which I sat.. The speed was commented upon as dangerous, from the frequent and short
curves in the road. I felt somewhat alarmed, and put my head out of the window. I did not have my head
out more than a minute, when I saw the front passenger car (as the train was passing a curve) suddenly
force the outer rail from its place, and, darting from the track, instantly turn a complete summerset.
All I recollect from that moment is feeling a sudden crash and crying out, We are all killed."
I saw the passengers jump to their feet, and I made a jump myself, but how or where I know not.
I only know that I found myself in an instant landed upright on my feet in a pond along side the track.
I either jumped or was thrown some twelve feet from the track. The scene that ensued it is impossible
to describe. The locomotive and the first passenger car, having retained their place on the track,
proceeded some distance, as if unconscious of the sudden sundering of the link that connected them with
the remaining cars of the train. The seven cars succeeding the one first thrown from the track were a
mingled mass of shattered fragments. They had been thrown sideways, lengthways, crossways, bottom side
up, ends up, and in every imaginable way. Portions of the wreck were submerged in the pond of water on
either side of the track. The cries of agony that arose from amid the ruins were heart piercing.
Here was an arm, and there was a leg, with no other appendage.

In another place was presented the sad spectacle of a head separated from the body, and again the trunk
of a human body shorn entirely of its head and limbs. As soon as possible after the crash, those
uninjured turned their attention to discover the extent of loss of life and wounds sustained. It was
found that beyond the first eight cars, the injury to the passengers did not extend, except in occasional
bruises to those occupying the two passenger cars directly following these eight. Both of these latter
cars were thrown from the track, and the occupants received more or less contusions. The remaining cars
of the train retained their places on the rails, and the people inside received no injuries other than
some slight bruises. While those having escaped personal injury were seeking to recover from beneath
the wreck those still giving symptoms of life, the locomotive detached from the train which had come back
to the scene of the disaster was dispatched to Aspinwall for help to search for the dead and wounded.
The place of the accident was near Gatun's Bridge, only nine miles distance from Aspinwall. The track
for some distance was completely torn up, so that the cars still remaining on the track could not be
attached to the engine in front. At about 4 P. M., a train returned from Aspinwall. In the interval
the wounded passengers suffered dreadfully from thirst. Many of them drank from the muddy pond on either
side of the track, though it was red with human blood. Fortunately, a supply of water was brought by
the train, which greatly alleviated their sufferings. Fifty-three wounded passengers were placed on the
cars and taken to Aspinwall for medical and surgical treatment.
No physicians came with the train, though the reason why none were sent was not explained. The bodies
of the dead, as far as recovered from the wreck, were not removed. It was about 8 o'clock in the evening
when the first train returned to Aspinwall.
I remained to assist in the digging out the dead bodies. The night was dark, and with the dim light shed
over the ground by a few lanterns showing visibly here and there heaps of dead bodies, and the increasing
moans and shrieks of the wounded added to the mournful countenances of those at work in the removal of the
shattered wreck, made it a scene never to be forgotten. At 4 o'clock in the morning, a second train
arrived from Aspinwall, and carried back more of the wounded. I left in this train. The bodies of the
dead and some of the wounded still remained at the disaster. I did not get the names of any of the killed
or wounded. None but the steerage passengers were injured.
By the authentic accounts of the Panama Railroad accident, it appears that the loss of life was almost
entirely among the steerage passengers by the George Law. It happened this way. Three trains left
Aspinwall for Panama, with the passengers of the George Law, some nine hundred in number; the first
containing the baggage, the second the cabin passengers, and the third the steerage passengers.
After the freight train got off the tracks, it was deemed advisable to return with the other two trains
to Aspinwall. Accordingly the passenger trains were united, and the two locomotives turned round on
the turntable, and attached to the rear of the combined train, thus bringing the steerage passengers to
the fore part of the train, as it returned toward Aspinwall. The nine cars therefore which were smashed,
were filled with the steerage passengers of the George Law which left New York on the 21st of April last.
Alfred L. Armstrong
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